Partner Ecosystem

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Technology Solutions

Composable SaaS solutions for end to end Ecosystem success

Ecosystem Partners

The companies that are powering new levels of Ecosystem Orchestration

Expert Services

Integrated service offerings that drive Ecosystem strategy execution

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Digital Bridge Partners

At Digital Bridge Partners, we help technology innovators unlock their ecosystem potential, delivering insight, creating incisive strategies, designing impactful programs and assets, and accelerating organizational and ecosystem outcomes.


We have a proven track record of successful, long-term, and repeat engagements with many of the most recognizable brands in the high technology industry.

  • Our incisive strategies & insights help you to unlock ecosystem potential and make breakthrough decisions.
  • We deliver impactful programs & assets that engage, inspire and activate your teams, customers, and partners.
  • We focus on transformational outcomes by co-designing people, process and technology.


  • Unlocking your Ecosystem potential part 1 of a series
  • Unlocking Ecosystem potential part 2 of a series
  • Aligning your organization for Ecosystem Success, Crossbeam Supernode Conference


Launch and Scale Compelling Ecosystem Strategies and Programs
Creating compelling ecosystem strategies and programs depends on three essential inputs:
  1. Understand Potential - what is possible, what can we do that will uniquely add value to our organization and our ecosystem, what is the art of the possible, can we articulate a strawman approach that can truly move the dial and create a coveted Win3 - we win, the ecosytem wins, our joint customers and prospects win?
  2. Create a Map - To be compelling a strategy or program needs to be architected based on proper design principles, benchmarked around others who have been there/done that, and built up from a solid business case.  Since the proof is in the pudding, the end point of every design process should be a pilot recommendation that includes the people, process, technology and program structure needed to validate that the strategy or program actually works.
  3. Test and Validate - The final step in building a compelling strategy or program is launching it in the market with enough of an MVP to validate the assumptions in the mapping stage.  Launching requires rigor and project management to ensure that the recommended people, process,  technology, and program steps are followed & to evaluate the pilot to make appropriate course corrections.  Finally, the results of the pilot must be matched to the anticipated benefits to make adjustments as part of a go/no go decision to implement the strategy.
Build Assets and Playbooks
Our clients frequently ask us to create content that engages, inspires, and activate your teams, customers and, partners to drive ecosystem outcomes.  Please help us to build
Answer the Hard Questions
Beyond the design of strategies and programs, many of our clients engage us to answer hard questions that typically fall into one of the following 5 categories:
  1. Benchmarking - We need to learn from others who have been to the dance we want to attend.  What did they do right and wrong, how does that compare to us and where we are and need to go?   Please help us to gather, interpret and apply these benchmarking insights.
  2. Alignment - One or more critical functions in our organization do not understand the opportunity and/or know how to align to the ecosystem. Please help us to include them in the strategy or program design process to gain their buy-in and prove out the roles and processes needed for collective success across our entire organization.
  3. Processes/Technology - What are the processes that will unlock ecosystem potential in one or more of our partner segments?  What are the technologies that will uniquely deliver on these process requirements?  Please help us to build our ecosystem tech stack, evaluate the providers and to stand up the required processes and roles to ensure success across one or more of our ecosystem programs.
  4. Customer or Partner Insights -   We need to better understand the needs and preferences of our customers and/or our partners.  Please design and implement a market research project that is rigorous and comprehensive across specific customer and/or partner types by geography, vertical, and other key dimensions.
  5. Pilot and Testing - The time has come to roll-out a new program and we are not confident that we can manage the program and change management aspects of the pilot.  Please provide program and change management resources to keep our pilot on track and drive course correction as required.


Technology Solutions and Expert Services


Location: Seattle, WA
Year Founded: 2012
Telephone: +1-425-239-8774


Location: Seattle, WA
Year Founded: 2012
Telephone: +1-425-239-8774